
New website, who this?

Written By: Alexa 02/08/2024

Welcome to the digital home of The Psychedelic Assembly—our shiny, new website! You’ve somehow stumbled upon our very first foray into the blogosphere – yes, we’re as surprised as you are that we’ve managed to pull this off. A colossal shoutout to our partners and friends over at Sleepless Media for absolutely nailing this site design. Seriously, if you’re thinking your own slice of the web could use a facelift, give them a shout and drop our name.

This blog is set to be the campfire around which we gather to share stories from the psychedelic frontier, showcase the highlights and lowlights (because what’s a good story without a bit of drama?) of past events, and dive into the swirling vortex of trending topics and news in the ever-expanding universe of psychedelics. It’s going to be a mix of profound, peculiar, and probably a pinch of “what the hell are you talking about?”

We’re basically inviting you to pull up a chair as we spill the tea on all things mind-bending and consciousness-expanding so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for future updates. And because we’re just starting to fill up the vast, empty halls of our content castle, we’d love to hear from you. Got a burning desire to see something specific featured here? Maybe a psychedelic pioneer you’re itching to know more about, or perhaps an event that deserves a spotlight? Hit up our Contact Us page and let us in on your thoughts.

So, stay tuned, stay trippy, and remember, this is all a grand experiment—one that we’re more than a little excited to embark on with you. Let’s make this space a kaleidoscope of ideas, stories, and insights, even if we occasionally trip over the power cord along the way.


Onwards and Inwards, 

The Psychedelic Assembly Team